A Generation that loves God, loves people, loves the nation
25- 40 Years old
Discovery > Truth > Faith > Identity > Purpose > Transformation > Impact
It is said that life is a journey. If so, let’s travel and learn to love together. We are the next generation of the body of Christ maturing in Him, lifting each other as we lift up the One who first loved us, God. Journey with us.
Cell Groups
Cell groups are where singles, couples, young families gather to do life, build accountability, worship, study the Word of God together in smaller groups. Our cell groups meet on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Cell Groups
Cell groups are where singles, couples, young families gather to do life, build accountability, worship, study the Word of God together in smaller groups. Our cell groups meet on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

YAT Nights
We gather four times a year on Young Adults Together (YAT) Nights where Young Adults and Campus Students merges to encourage and equip for this season of our lives. At YAT Nights, you’ll experience engaging worship, relevant messages, and a time for connection in community through our onsite groups.
Service One
Our Young Adults take priority in making time to gather for regular church service at Bangunan Yin Saturday evenings. We are usually seated right at the front, so come look for us : ) Also, don’t leave the service alone as we would love to invite you to join us for dinner right after service!

Service One
Our Young Adults take priority in making time to gather for regular church service at Bangunan Yin Saturday evenings. We are usually seated right at the front, so come look for us 🙂 Also, don’t leave the service alone as we would love to invite you to join us for dinner right after service!
Young Adults Pastors

Pr Aaron Tan