History of Narrowstreet

26 Days to 30th Anniversary: History of Narrowstreet

Written by Narrowstreet

It was scarcely believable, back in the early days of Uptown, that anyone would prophesy that we would birth a youth movement. But someone did. And as preposterous as it sounded, we received it. We only had four youths at that time, and two of them were the pastors’ sons. The prophecy didn’t stop there. “In six months, you will have a youth pastor, and many youths will come in.”

It took just four months for this prophecy to be fulfilled. One youth came in. Her sister followed. Their friends invited more friends who came with their siblings. A small group became a small crowd and to top it off, a youth pastor walked in too. Very quickly, we went from a church with four teenagers to being a church composed mostly of youth!

It was during this early period that the likes of Kay, Lindy, Daniel and Andy came in. Together with the rest, they were involved in the Rock 2000 evangelistic concert and Get Into God movement, travelling to small towns throughout the country to energise young people for Jesus.

Pr Kay pastored Newsong, our secondary-schoolers, and every week she would faithfully drive our church van to pick them up for Newsong Service. Pr Daniel then took over, renamed it Narrowstreet, and inspired them to an uncompromising faith. Then came Pr Jonathan, who took Narrowstreet to levels previously unimagined. The movement grew to 400 strong, expanding to two youth services, whilst hosting youth conferences that attracted thousands from all over Malaysia.

Pr Lindy pastored CoUZ, our college students, and raised up a group of young leaders whose purpose exceeded mere passion. When Pr Tabitha took the reins of the ministry, by then renamed Lifegen, she began grooming Lifegeners to be the revivalists of tomorrow.

All this came, virtually, out of nowhere. One batch of young people would pass the baton on to the next. And in this way, the movement just kept on moving.

As SIBKL approaches its 30th anniversary, Narrowstreet has undergone another remarkable transition under the leadership of Pr Shaun Quek – once a youth of Narrowstreet himself. The faith that laid the foundations of Narrowstreet has only deepened and strengthened over the years. Today, it remains a vibrant community of passionate and loving youths, fervently pursuing God together.

Following the legacy of faith, passion and love from those who came before, it has since flourished into a space where faith-filled individuals are challenged to reach their full potential in Christ, dedicated to living out their lives in impactful ways by embodying the spirit of unity, love and spiritual growth.

Want to know more about Narrowstreet?

Our youth ministry, also known as Narrowstreet encourages youths to pursue a real relationship with Christ, and challenges them to be better Christ followers. It is a safe space where youths can feel loved, accepted, and supported by one another. They are also empowered to exercise their gifts and talents to serve God and people – inside and outside church.