My Life Testimony of His Grace & Mercies

Jameson Wong

A month before my 54th birthday I suffered my first cardiovascular attack. About 9 o’clock in the morning after my breakfast I went home feeling dizzy and I went into the house and I started vomiting. I called my good wife back from work. I rested for about 5 hours before I went to the hospital. God was good. 50% of the people who suffered similar cases like me could not  survive this sort of ordeal.

However, God’s grace and mercy was upon me. I was hospitalized for about 4 days in Selayang hospital and then I was transferred to UiTM Selayang under the Ministry of Education then, God was good even my fellow sufferers like me could not be admitted to UiTM as quickly as me. That was the goodness of His grace. I stayed another few days in the hospital and was closely monitored by the staff there.

While I was there, I read the Bible and God’s peace was upon me. Since being discharged I took medication that was given by the hospital. Sometime later after stopping medication completely, I went to the hospital for checking periodically only to take reports only and not medication. I had 80% blockage in two vessels and I asked the professor whether it is necessary for me to do a stent. He said it was not necessary!

Praise the Lord. It has been 16 years now without medication and I am surviving due to His goodness, mercy and grace. The other day I met Pr Dr Chew at SIBKL’s Game On at RRI Sg. Buloh I briefly told him I am not taking part in any event due to my condition. I told him I only take home remedies. He just said, praise the Lord only. God is good. He knows that my body will heal itself because He designed it to be so.

The blood pressure can adjust the flow of blood according to the blockage. My condition is due to insomnia, work stress and being on the computer till wee hours in the morning having few hours sleep going to work. I bear these consequences and also some sin in my Christian walk. But, I repented. He already washed me white as snow. The pandemic  had brought me closer to Him by studying His precious Word and loving SIBKL more.

I believe Jesus heals in 3 ways His miraculous way, by doctors or eternally as Scripture said in Revelation 21:4 NKJV‬, “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” All glory and praise to His Holy name.

I am grateful for 16 years with SIBKL, His walking miracle sharing my testimony to pre-believers in the marketplace about His glorious mercy and grace.


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